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The State of America's Libraries

Updated: Apr 26, 2023

Living in the shadow of a global pandemic and navigating our new normal, we have also continued to face unprecedented attempts to ban books and other assaults on the freedom to read. In the face of these changes and challenges, our libraries have found opportunity and our communities have shown that there’s more to the story for everyone.

—ALA President Lessa Kanani'opua Pelayo-Lozada

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These challenges are deeply concerning because they represent an attempt to limit intellectual freedom and prevent students from accessing diverse perspectives and experiences. By attempting to censor books with LGBTQ+ characters, book challengers are sending a message that these stories are not valid or important, and that students should not be exposed to them. This is a harmful message that can have serious consequences for LGBTQ+ students, who may already feel marginalized and invisible in their schools.

Moreover, book challenges undermine the role of educators and librarians in selecting and curating materials that support student learning and growth. These professionals are trained to evaluate materials based on a range of criteria, including literary merit, cultural relevance, and age-appropriateness. When book challengers attempt to override these decisions, they are essentially saying that their personal beliefs and values should supersede those of trained professionals.

It is crucial that we continue to support intellectual freedom in our schools and push back against attempts to censor or restrict access to books with LGBTQ+ characters and themes. As community members, we have a responsibility to ensure that all students have access to diverse and inclusive materials that reflect the world in which they live. By valuing intellectual freedom, we can create a more inclusive and equitable educational system for all students.

Please join us at the next school committee meeting on April 26 at the ORRJHS Media Room. Because we are stronger together!

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